Taking in Television

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Law.com - No Happy Ending for Net Movie Renters

Interesting. You could read this a couple of ways.

One, Netflix - is asking/demanding that the courts make them a monopoly by forbidding anyone from competing with them.

Two, Netflix objects to Blockbuster slavishly copying their business practices, business model, pricing/sales structure/mechnisms. Nobody likes a copycat, especially when what they are copying is your lifeblood.

Three, Netflix is concerned that Blockbuster, which may not be in the strongest financial shape will bleed red ink all over the place and then enact a mail order DVD rentals price war that will leave both companies mortally wounded.

Four, Netflix is concerned that Blockbuster, which might be in the strongest financial shape will squeeze Netflix out of the marketplace it created and rules.

Five, aren't some lawsuits completely silly things sometimes?

Law.com - No Happy Ending for Net Movie Renters:
The litigation presents a crucial question: Is the concept of renting movies over the Internet an original idea that deserves patent protection?

Netflix claims it is, and is suing Blockbuster for patent infringement for allegedly copying its seven-year-old online movie-rental business method. Netflix Inc. v. Blockbuster Inc., No. C 06 2361 (N.D. Calif.)


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