Taking in Television

A little blog about TV shows, the changing technology for watching TV, resources for TV show fans, and so forth.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Price of the TiVo Series 3: $799

On the TiVo website, they have a page where you can order the new device or one of the old ones.

The price of the TiVo Series 3 is $799!

I think for what you are getting, if you do not already have a TiVo, that is a fair price and they are covering their costs with a reasonable one to acquire it.

For someone that already has a TiVo Series 2, I think I will just wait a couple of years until I buy a digital/HDTV set.

I am holding off on that until the sets become mainstream and the prices drop to the $500 price range for decently featured sets. I do not expect that to happen until 2008.

I am truly surprised what people are paying to watch television these days.

When I was a kid, spending a few hundred bucks on a TV set was a big deal. My family only bought one about once every dozen or so years.

Nowadays people plunk down hundreds for a new DVR every few years, a grand or more for cable TV, and apparently, a grand or two for a widescreen TV set.

I really question whether we as a culture need to spend that much on a pixel pool to stare at.


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